Why Validus Engineering?

Validus Engineering is one of the leading Nordic suppliers of numerical simulation services. And although our expertise is numerical simulations, our vision has always been to view this field as a part of something much greater. Numerical simulation, or virtual prototyping, is an excellent tool for accelerating product development, gaining increased product knowledge and getting to market faster.

Although we have extensive experience from many different fields and disciplines, some areas such as Formula 1, offshore, medical and green energy stand out. These are all fields that place high demands on simulation expertise and quality assurance. For this reason we adopted an ISO9001 style quality management system in the early 2000’s, and in 2010 DNV certified us towards ISO9001, 14001 and OHSAS18001 (now 45001:2018).

Our comprehensive offering, our philosophy and our quality management efforts helps us help our customers to stay ahead of their competitors through increased knowledge, optimal processes and better informed decisions. We are their product development partners and advisors in addition to being simulation providers.

For more information please contact us on +46 70 609 24 06 or email us at info@valeng.com.